Monday, 31 December 2012

Welcome Year 2013... Goodbye Year 2012


While I was writing this new post, I just a few minutes came back from a ceremony - Annual Grand Meeting of Medical Faculty.. It has always being a routine for me, the first switch that I need to turn on is my Vostro 1400, my laptop... So, I switched on and started sharing my thought on blog which I don't think is important for me to do so and neither me have a lot of fans.... Saje je luangkan dalam 30 minit rehat

Within a few minutes typing, a beads of sweat on my forehead started to streaming down to my temples and I could hear the crackle of firecracker firing on midnight January 1, 2013.

As a new post for this new year, I do not intend to talk so much... I'm just curious about new year resolution.. U know what!!! While I was scrolling down the facebook status, many keep asking and/or telling about the new year and last year resolutions... My questions are - Do we need to wait for new year to set up our new goals/targets?? 

Alang-alang menyeluk pekasam, biar sampai ke pangkal lengan

Do we need to wait until December 31, to cry for whatever reasons of not being able to accomplish last year resolutions?

hahahaha.... comel... Jangan jadi cam dia ni.. hangat-hangat tahi ayam..

The answer is yours.. But in my opinion, there is nothing wrong for us to set up new goals on January 1.. Why?? Because it can motivates our spirit to achieve something that we are desires of... Alaaaah, orang kate pasang niat yang baik pun dah dapat pahala kan kan kan kan... However, other point of view suggest that it would be better if we do not wait for new coming year to set up our targets.. If possible set it up at the moment when the ideas come across our mind.. Because it will teach you not to become a procrastinator..Am I right??... Eee, mengarut betul hujah palsu aku nii..

Ape-ape pun, no offence bro... Jom layan video mat saleh yg pandai cakap Bahasa Melayu ni... Aku suka tengok video dia ni... Dia pandai menghiburkan peminat-peminat Malaysia dia... Dia ajar speaking ikut slang British dan Amerika.. Aku ni obses dalam meningkatkan mutu slang aku...Orang mesti bengang kan ngan aku.... Melayu bajet cakap macam Mat Salleh gituuuu.... Ah ah ah...Peduli apa aku ngan ko... By the way, nama Mat Saleh ni Ben Bradshaw.... Dia ada jugak buat video sedutan cerita P.Ramlee.. Jom layann 

Ben Bradshaw atau Gigi Putih............... Selamat menonton dan Selamat Tahun Baru 2013 semua..^^

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Miracles of Number in Quranic Verse


I hope all of you are in the pink of health. What are your weekend activities? (cehh, bertanya khabar bagai aku ni ramai peminat setia ala-ala retis gitu). Year 2012 is almost come to the end. Today is December 29, 2012 and I truly remember that on December 29, 2011 I was in labour room. It wasn't me who went into labour. I was just observing the labour process. Auww, it was so painful and pathetic to see all those mommies in pain. How can I remember that date?? (haha...adaalaa, sebabnya). Yeah, 2012 is counting down and hopefully we will be able to come out with new year resolution... This would be my last post for 2012...

Erm, what should I write about? JENG JENG JENG!!! bikin saspen je. Tadi, waktu aku kemas meja belajar, terjumpa la satu buku ni. Buku ni dah lama ada dalam simpanan aku.

Petanda Keagungan by Nazri Zakaria (Bachelor of Science UPM)

 Actually, this book is not belongs to me. I found this book in my secondary school and it is belongs to my school counselor who taught me History. I was intentionally returning this book to him at that moment. However, I seriously forgot. Hope you guys should not label me as a thief.

Whose this book is belongs to? click to see a clear image
Sempatlah juga belek-belek buku ni tadi. It is an interesting book indeed. I'm gonna share with you guys a piece of knowledge from this book. It would be on Islamic knowledge. Sometimes, I had once thinking that people might see with a pair of jealous eyes while reading through this post. I know that I'm not a good Muslim. However, deep in the heart of everyone it is undeniably true that they want to become somebody who's better. There is nothing wrong for me to share a little bit about Miracles of Number in Quranic Verse right. I'm again in dilemma.

Ahh, pos benda jahat orang tak suka, pos benda baik orang hairan. Walau bagaimana pun, teman tetap nak kongsi. Ade aku kesah? Sikit je, tak sampai lima minit pun baca. Jom uolzz, i rasa uolz pun x sabar kan.

Chanteque kan gambar ni.. Ihsan google.

Satu kajian daripada Dr. Tariq Al-Suwaidan dan terbitan bukunya "The Series Of The Scientific Miracles In Quran" memperlihatkan kepada kita jujukan nombor di dalam Al-Quran yang perlu kita ketahui.. Jujukan ini bukanlah satu kebetulan bahkan mukjizat Allah kepada rasul-Nya Muhammad SAW..

Berikut adalah bilangan tentang perkara yang disebutkan di dalam Al-Quran :

Dunia   --- 115 kali      Hidup --- 145 kali        Malaikat --- 88 kali        Lelaki   --- 24 kali
Akhirat --- 115 kali      Mati   --- 145 kali        Syaitan   --- 88 kali        Wanita  --- 24 kali

Yang paling menariknya adalah angka di bawah.. Suratan atau kebetulan??

Bulan --- 12 kali               Lautan  ---  32 kali             Solat --- 5 kali
Hari   --- 365 kali             Daratan --- 13 kali

Laut dan darat = 32 + 13 = 45
Justeru itu, peratusan laut = 32/45 x 100  = 71.11 %
Peratusan daratan = 13/45 x 100 = 28.89 %

Kajian sains oleh manusia telah membuktikan bahawa lautan meliputi 71.11% daripada bumi dan tanah meliputi 28.89% . Begitulah kebesaran dan keagungan ciptaan Allah SWT.

Sekadar perkongsian dan salam mesra semua. Maaf kalau terkasar bahasa. Lain kali kena jaga mulut iolzz ni sebab ada yang memerhati (@_@). Jaga-jaga uolzz ada yang memerhati... hehe... Happy New Year 2013!!!

Monday, 24 December 2012

Behind the scene: MUASRM's marketing officers

From a milestone distance, I heard myriad of bizzare voices.. I can't confirm for sure of what I heard was about..However, it sounds somewhat like this....Buahahahahahahahahahahahaha (panjang hilaiannya)... 

                             Teman rasa nak bakorrrrrr jer bilik tingkat atas tu... 
Anyone of u who agree with me please raise your hand like Usop Wilcha..

That laughing voice was almost the same as Malaysia's phenomenon female vampire!!Kak Limah
Aiiiii.... seksi jugak kak limah dalam gelap... kak limah oiii... dalam kampung x payah le pakai helmet..
Bingit gila telinga aku dengar suara hilaian pontianak sundal malam memekik dari tingkat 2 tu..... Suara siapakah itu ?? 2-3 jenis pontianak yg aku dengar... Aku ni jenis pantang dengar suara pontianak mengilai aku akan ikut nak mengilai sama..

Therefore, I went upstairs  to see what was actually behind the scene.. Meriahnya Uollsss^^....Waahhh ^^.. My friends were so busy opening a gossip corner while cooking for dadih and triffle... They are the marketing officers for MUASRM (Medical Undergraduate Annual Scientific Research Meeting).. Alang-alang dah datang, saya pun tolong la jugak (Eeeeeii, rajinnya budak ni kan... ahaakkkksss)..

For those who don't know what MUASRM is all about, let me tell u briefly.. Basically, MUASRM is a special study module for all Year 4 UKM ( The National University of Malaysia)... In this module, we (a group of 4-5 students) are required to conduct a medical research... WowwWwW.. Isn't it sounds impressive? Hopefully, UKM medical students will be able to make a new discovery which will change the world.. It is a pre-requisite for us to sit for professional examination and as a preparatory phase for our future.. To make this soon-to-be event a success, they have to make sure that financial is stable....Conclusively, it is hard to become a marketing officer... PITY THEM..Without further delay, I would like to show u what had happened on the night of Christmas Eve in Zhafir's Villa..

I can feel its cool sensation..
Partially done!!!! Oyeahh.. This is so-called Dadih Senyaman Salju MUASRM... There are yam, chocolate and strawberry flavours.. 

This is what they claimed as Trifle Gembira katenyer..Waiting to be filled with red jelly..

Done !!! Ready to be served.... Yummmylicious....Oh my goodness... Seriously,  perfect.. It is not even finger licking good but I would agree to say that it is also toe licking good... slurrrppppppppp ~~~
Let us support our MUASRM to be a successful program.. All the items are sold at a reasonable price..
Muackk!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2013.

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Why one should have a blog?

Wahhhhhh Gitu.... The title sounds like  I have had been blogging for many years.... Miahahaha.. In fact, I'm just started to blog.. WHY? WHY?

The picture looks so classic signifies that blog have existed long time ago.. But I'm just started to have chemical bonding with blog

Well !!! Blog is one of medium to share our thoughts, opinion and to some extent people use it to express their feelings.. Is it necessarily crucial for me to have a blog ? My answer of course would be no.. I don't think that person like me having a blog is important... "U know why? Cuz I love u so much.. And I will make sure that, one fine day u will be deadly in love with me..." OMG, flight of ideas.. Wakaka.. I'm a bit manic but I'm not crazy...So, don't hesitate to read my blog ^^... Actually, that was one of dialogues in Ombak Rindu by Lisa Sughihani... Soghi, I pun dah terikut-ikut ARG lisa... hahaha... I adore her action in that movie so much..

Okay, back to my statement... I don't think that person like me having a blog is important because :-

  • I'm not a supercilik model like Fatin Liyana 
  • I'm not a journalist or broadcaster either like Zan Azlee
  • I'm not a queen of propaganza (common Manglish term) like Diva Azwan Ali katenyerrrr
  • I'm not a joker like WanBlur in the House..(famous uols)
But I'm just an ordinary human being who knew a very little knowledge about blog.. Jadi, kalau dah tau diri tu tak popular, kenapa masih nak buat blog ?? As saying goes, a picture tells a thousand words.. The picture below may explain to u..

Some reasons for blogging.

Actually, my main reason to blog is to use my time wisely.. My time is mostly being spent for indoor purposes.. Not much can be done apart from studying, facebooking and youtubing.. I'm a kind of person who always wanted to try and explore something new.. So, this is my new passion of interest... This is also as medium for me to flash back in the future of what had happened in the past... I was once thinking of writing a diary...Cehh, ala-ala Yo Soy Betty La Fea gitu.... But again, compliance issue is the main problem..

In this blog, I will try to use both my mother tongue language and English language.. I will keep updating my blog in order to give u a therapeutic remedy...

Salam mesra daripada saya... maaf kalau terkasar bahasa dan terlanjur bicara..